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(2 edits)

This entry looked fine at a first glance!

I like generators and this promised some fun action until I realized that this dungeon generator plays itself.

Hence I wrote a small script that will run the dungeon for me:

I am not sure whether the damage is common for both player and enemy and is used to escalate the end of the delving, but I implemented it in a way it is added to the dice result for both sides.

As a game it is not very interesting. As a small script it entertained me for a moment.

If I understand your post and JavaScript correctly, the "+1 damage" is only supposed to last for the next fight, and only affects the player. The equivalent of e.g. a strength potion.

It would be interesting to try to introduce some choice into a solo 36-word dungeon crawler. So that it couldn't play itself.

I have updated the JS entry to reflect your mechanics.

Moreover, I took the liberty of editing your entry to introduce some form of decision and variability in enemies:

12 HP

Roll d6 per room:

[1] +1 attack next fight (stacks)
[2] potion (+5 HP)
[3] full heal
[4+] enemy (* HP)

Fight or Pass (partake next fight).

you ..... d6
enemy ... d4

Count fights.

The mechanic was changed a bit so the fights are more lethal, but as I was running the script I ended up clearing 30 to 90 rooms, based on luck.

With my alteration you can decide to avoid the fight, only to have no choice and fight next time. Moreover, only fights are count towards “score” as rooms filled with potions present no challenge.

Thanks for inspiration and optimization puzzle. Honestly, this was the longest time I was thinking about any of this Jam’s entries besides mine.

I like the line between d6 result and HP, as a way to communicate HP but keep word count down.

Well that was fun !

I cleared 15 rooms and could have done more.

Could you give me permission to translate it to French ? They say you shouldn't start with overly ambitious projects, but what do they know.

If you want to dedicate your life to a project like that, I won’t stop you.

Aaaaand... done ! After countless decades of toiling away in my humble study, the translation finally sees the light of day.

It is here !

Many thanks for giving meaning to my existence. At last, I leave a trace of my passage on this world.

(I can delete the independent page and just send you the file if you prefer, of course. Also I didn't use the translation as my submission for the 36-word jam, it felt kinda cheaty.)

it is a masterpiece. Thank you. And feel free to submit to the jam. I don’t have a problem with it, though I guess they might.

Thanks, will do !


oh damn this is cool


I haven't checked all 36 words so let me know if you find any typos. Thanks.




Thank you. The eight years of hard work really paid off. Glad to have finally released it.


This inspired me to complete my own mini solo game, its still 10 times bigger than yours. I hope you don't mind but I borrowed the combat system.

I've tried it, it's great. The extra words paid off.