Dungeons of Pendragon 1.3

After some play-test feedback I've updated Dungeons of Pendragon to version 1.3.

Here are the changes:

  1. I changed the cover page, since the art used was low resolution, and I wasn't happy with the style of the title.
  2. I added an example character sheet to the end of the PDF.
  3. I removed the need to roll for room size, since it doesn't make a difference and slows down the exploration/mapping.
  4. I've changed the rule about doors so that you can only draw one per wall of a room.
  5. I've changed "dice" to "die" where it is singular.
  6. I made all flavour text italic, since some of the flavour text was confused for text about mechanics.
  7. I fixed some minor errors (missing words etc.)


Dungeons of Pendragon 1.3.pdf 708 kB
50 days ago

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